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In Manuel de la vie sauvage («Guide to living in the wild»), novel written by Jean-Philippe Baril Guérard and published in 2018 from Ta Mère, the cofounder of the startup (Laurent), discusses with his company lawyer (Arnaud) on ways to avoid being sued.

– What people do with the app, it’s not your fault. The worst-case scenario might be we run over the fine print in the end-user license agreement […]. It will show your good will, and it won’t affect the way people use the app.

– So we’re going to dump responsibility on the user’s side? Laurent asks.

– If the users accept the license, what’s the problem? Arnaud replies.

– That would mean we are basing our service on the fact that the users don’t even know to what they’re agreeing to, Laurent says.

– Welcome to the Internet, Arnaud replies with the broadest of smiles.