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Kenya Hara urges designers to stop keeping up with technological innovation and instead strive for new experiences of the world around us.

[…] technology ought to evolve more slowly and steadily. It would be best if it took the time to mature, through trial and error. We are so excessively and frantically competitive that we have repeatedly planted unsteady systems in unsteady ground, which have evolved into a variety of trunk systems that are weak and liable to fail, but have been left to develop anyway.

(Kenya Hara, Designing Design, 2007)

From the above derives the following corrolary:

People have wrapped themselves in this unhealthy technological environment and are accumulating more stress every day. Technology continues to advance and has multiplied beyond the amount knowable by a single individual; its entirety can be neither grasped nor seen, and it’s so vast its edges fade from view.

(Kenya Hara, Designing Design, 2007)

Therefore, returning to simplicity would offer at least two advantages, one for the audience (struggling to keep its head above the water in a saturated information economy) and one for the designer (who has lost control of systems which can fail at any moment).